‘‘Building a joyful organization, as worldwide experience shows, is a counter-intuitive exercise”
“Joy also appears an unlikely driving force of organizational longevity. While joy is fleeting, people expect an organization to endure. An important implication of applying this organizational philosophy is that this elusive driving force can be tamed and serve the organization. The attributes of an organization, which reinforce the “self” of its members rather than weakening them in the service of somebody else’s goals, can be consciously built.“
In an organization that satisfies the health criteria in all dimensions to a … high degree and where members believe in a common vision … the conditions exist for experiencing joy from work on a more frequent basis. Organizational health is a necessary but by no means sufficient condition for developing a joyful organization.It is also required that the executives of an organization deliberately articulate the objective of becoming one.
“Does the executive’s capacity for joy define and confine the organization’s capacity for joy?”